If you want to start workflow from server-side code, you need to use Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServicesBase DLL.
If you don't see it in reference search, you can find it in GAC — C:\Windows\Assembly — with standard windows explorer search (of course if you have installed Workflow Manager).
And then to start a workflow:
If you don't see it in reference search, you can find it in GAC — C:\Windows\Assembly — with standard windows explorer search (of course if you have installed Workflow Manager).
And then to start a workflow:
protected void StartWorkflow(SPWeb web, Guid workflowID, int itemID)
var wfsrvmng = new Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServicesManager(web);
var wfsubsrv = wfsrvmng.GetWorkflowSubscriptionService();
var wfsub = wfsubsrv.GetSubscription(workflowID);
var wfi = wfsrvmng.GetWorkflowInstanceService();
wfi.StartWorkflowOnListItem(wfsub, itemID, new Dictionary<string, object>());
where workflowID you can find in the workflow Elements.xml
<Property Name="WSGUID" Value="..." />